
Bei Songs for Rights bieten wir Programme zur Ausbildung von Trainer*innen an. Dabei schulen und coachen wir Lehrer*innen, Erzieher*innen, Jugendarbeiter*innen, Sozialarbeiter*innen und Musiker*innen, damit sie ihre eigenen Songs for Rights Workshops durchführen können .. Through these, we train and coach teachers, educators, youth workers,  social workers, and musicians to run their own Songs for Rights workshops. During these trainings, participants gain all the skills, methods, tools, and materials necessary to run their local Songs for Rights projects and foster human rights education through music. 

Wenn du mehr über das „Training for Trainers“ Programm erfahren möchtest, kontaktiere uns sehr gerne unter

Songs for Rights Training Poster, Unleash the Power of Music and Stand Up for Human Rights. Application for Education.


Songs for Rights Training, Berlin October 13-16th 2023

Are you a musician, human rights activist, youth worker, educator or simply a person passionate about social change looking for a way to promote human rights through music? Join us in Berlin this October for our Songs for Rights Training!